Despite the rainy start to the day things are shapping up beautifully today. Come and visit us to grab all your weekky veggie needs. We have awsome tomatoes, spaghetti squash, lettuce and so much more.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Coming This Winter
The field might be a bit weedy, but growing they are. This winter we will be debuting sweet potatoes as part of our CSA. They are looking great, have some growing to do, but the taste so far is amazing.
Who's Hungry
It's has been a very busy week here on the farm but we are starting to see some nice crop growth! Ryan is busy hoeing and weeding all the crops that we have put in over the last couple of weeks. With just the two of us on the farm now we are pretty much busy sunrise to sunset six days a week.
Our new crops including lettuce, beans, peas, summer squash and I'm sure more that my brain is just not currently remembering.
Today CSA which included a spaghetti squash, summer squash, cucumbers, sweet pepper, potatoes, tomatillos, tomatoes ( some real beauties!), cabbages (or kohlrabi) an Swiss chard.
If your interested I'm picking up some our tastes goods come and visit us as Grimsby farmers market tomorrow from 3-7. Rain or shine we will be there with everything you need for a delicious supper!