
Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I know a number of you have tried to post comments and have gotten errors or the like. I managed to trace it back to a setting that would not allow unregistered users to post comments but I have changed that so that anyone can now comment on our posts.
If you would like to comment, but are unsure how just use the following steps:
1. At the bottom of every blog entry, this one included is a little link that will have a number followed by the word comments.
2. If you click on that it will take you to a new page where you can either read other comments or add your own.
3. All you need to do is write in your comments and then under the area where you enter text choose how you would like to be identified in the "Comment As".
4. If you have a google, AIM or other similar account you can comment from it, or you can choose Name/URL and just enter your name, or you can choose to remain anonymous.
5. Hit the "Post Comment" button and you are done...your comment will show up when people click the comments button under the blog entry and Amanda and I will know you have commented.


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