
Friday, May 21, 2010

Off to market again

Its almost saturday and for most people it will be a relaxing long weekend. But here on the farm things are going to flow on as usual with this being an opportune time to get lots done. Today my dad and I planted up a batch of sunflower which I am pretty excited about as they will add lots of nice colour to our stand. This morning I also picked mini radishes which we bunched and will have for sale tomorrow at the market. Tomorrows stand will also be increased by the addition of some Gerber Daisies from the greenhouse. Overall it has been a very busy day.
I also finished out advertising flier which hopefully will popping up in all different places across the city. At the moment I have my sights set on the Starbucks community board as well as the local bakery.
Still to be done we need to make sure everything is loaded in the van for tomorrow which can end up being a big job!
Hopefully tomorrow is a crazy day the Niagara on the Lake market because that means we will be able to move a lot of product!

1 comment:

  1. Long weekend - means long hours of work! Have a good day at market tomorrow (it will be easier than all that watering you did today).
