
Monday, August 16, 2010

Its Been a While...

Well it certainly has been a while since I last posted and boy has this summer been busy. Even my experience from working nearly 10 years with Whitty Farms did not quite prepare me for farming on my own with Amanda, but regardless I am enjoying every minute of it and have learned a ton about small scale farming that will readily apply to next years second round attempt at farming.

Speaking of next year (which we are already thinking about...yikes!!!) we have a great winter project we are working on which Amanda has already mentioned. Relatively unique in Canada (I can only find a few references) is our first attempt at a winter CSA. Rather than explaining it all here, I will provide a link to the document we prepared explaining our CSA. Besides a passing curiosity, it may be something you, our reader, may even be interested in being a part of (sorry Allison, but it might be hard for you). You can read more about it here:

Creek Shore Farms 2010 Winter CSA

Besides the regular summer routine and preparing for the winter CSA there are many other exciting things going down on the farm. Next week (hopefully) the ducks are off to the butcher in Smithville and we are looking forward to trying a fresher, younger duck on the bbq. Still havnt taken any lambs as I am having some technical difficulties, but that will hopefully happen soon.

We are also getting chickens! Managed to get an order in for September 14th and by a shear stroke of insanity I ordered a ton of them. It should be an interesting ride, but it is all in preparation for a hopefully larger leap into the world of a small chicken producer as a compliment to our vegetable production. We will see where it goes, but look for some super cute pictures of little red and white chickens (two different colours) come mid September.

We are still chugging along and hopefully we will get a bit better at updating the blog for you guys if we can ever get our act together.

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