Well its a very chilly morning here in Vineland. The weather network is reporting -1 which is fairly brisk. There is a good layer of frost on the lawn and car although it is starting to melt now that the sun has come out.
Things have slowed down now around the farm to a certain extent which is nice. Yesterday our first CSA's went out uneventfully. We had a great selection of fresh produce to give out from broccoli to leeks and everything in between. Friday is our big CSA day so hopefully that goes as smoothly as yesterday.
We have a few things starting to come up in the green house right now. This includes a nice crop of radishes and arugula (rocket). Yesterday we planted basil and lettuce which will probably be sprouting in just a few days. It was 40 in the greenhouse yesterday which feels pretty nice with the cool temperatures we have been experiencing.
We were also recently interviewed for the eating Niagara blog which you can check out at http://eatingniagara.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html.
That's all for now
Awesome article...so proud of you both!