
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Its all in the box

It has been a successful week on the farm so far (although technically it is now a new week), we got a lot of planting done both from transplants and using the seed drill. This weeks planting included but was not limited too, tomatillo's, peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, and corn. This of course takes a good amount of time and in the hot sun of the week we consumed a large a mount of water!
We also had another I believe successful CSA pick up at the house and Brock. This weeks basket included, lettuce, spinach, kale, radishes, peas, and chives. This weeks radishes were mostly easter egg which are wonderful pink, purple and white selection.
Yesterday we also received our sweet potato slips. Growing sweet potatoes will be a new venture for us but exciting. You just place the slips which are long thin green things with leaves in the ground and wait for the potato to form for fall harvest. They are a great storage item so we will save some for our winter CSA.
After the excitement from the slips wore off a little bit Ryan and I went for a jaunt around the farm and were excited to see that our garlic has started to produce scapes. If you have never had scapes they are like the garlic form of green onions. You can use them just like garlic but they look nothing like a traditional garlic clove. You will probably start to see them pop up at your local farmers market or in a CSA box soon.

Our Second CSA Basket

Easter Egg Radishes

Amanda eating a garlic scape

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