
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New Things

On a farm things are always changing. There are BASIC things such new crops growing, the arrival of new farm animals, and of course the arrival of new farm buildings.
Right now all of these are happening around the farm. Every week we have loads of new plug trays being planted ( today we had 25 new trays added to the barn).  Today i planted cabbage , leeks, kohlrabi, and three kinds of lettuce. Its not bad work but it can be a little monotonous when you are doing it alone.
We also have three pigs in our charge currently Mustard, Plum and Green as Sydney will proudly proclaim to any farm visitors we have. They are just over three months old and  growing like crazy. They have really been enjoying this warm weather. They can be found hanging around in what was our chicken shed basking in the sun.
It feels as though we always have new buildings going up around the farms. This year a major project is well underway. We have a full size barn going up next to our house. Right now Ryan is outside with his dad putting barn board in the exterior.
The new barn as it has been labeled will be home to both summer and winter storage area, a new store front, CSA pick up area and a place for our interns.
We are excited to have to opportunity to have interns on our farm this summer. They will be here to not only help around the farm but also to learn about farming practices. The area of learning is huge and we are lucky to bring part of CRAFT SW.  This is a group of farmers who have gotten together to start training s new generation of farmers. We are exited to join this network and hope that it gives our interns a great learning opportunity.

That all for today

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