Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happy Intern, Happy Farm

I've been here almost a month now. And when I first came to Creek Shore Farms I was determined to write a blog post daily or at the very least weekly. But as you could imagine the farm is a busy place to work and writing would always be forgotten about when frost warnings and no rain issues to work through and planting row upon row of CSA vegetables ! are more of a priority.

Part of being an intern through the C.R.A.F.T program we have to pick a project throughout our time on the farm. As Amanda said this summer will be all about experimentation! 

So far I have made a dandelion tea (which will become a fertilizer for the farm) and my fellow intern is working on making kombucha which she will post about at a later date. Also just as I arrived to the farm Amanda started to make her own cleaner for household use. And we are thinking of making a fresh herb cleaner from farm grown herbs. Which will be an exciting process  I'm sure! 

You will be hearing more from me from now on about what is happening on the farm from the intern perspective ! 

Until next time,


P.s. Wish for rain ☔

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