The ducklings that only a few short weeks ago were small and cuddly have now grown into very large ducks. Really sometimes it is hard to tell them apart from there parents. They also eat like pigs. I would say that we are easily feeding them 10 cups of food a day plus fruit and veg. They also probably drink liters of water a hot day even more. They will probably be ready to eat come august. Also snowball our first sheep is ready to go to the butcher today. We 'weighed' her today (on a bathroom scale to needless to say the weighing was a bit subjective) and she came in around 77lbs. Ryan says that will be about 50lbs dressed (or once she has gone to the butcher).
Fresh peas are abounding right now and tonight Ryan and I had barbecued potatoes with peas and peppers (and some chicken). It all turned out really well and we ate a delightful super. Overall things keep moving on and tomorrow will be another busy.